Please note, neither the US Postal Service (USPS), nor Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. (JLL) shall pay cooperating brokerage commissions. Tenant / Buyer Brokers shall seek commission compensation, if any, from the Tenant / Buyer only.
The USPS expressly reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject any or all expressions of interest or offers to lease or buy any properties listed on this portal (the “Properties”), and/or terminate discussions with any entity at any time with or without notice. The USPS shall have no legal commitment or obligation to any entity reviewing the marketing materials or making an offer to lease or buy a Property unless and until written agreement(s) for the lease or sale of the Property have been fully executed, delivered and approved by the USPS, and any conditions to the USPS's obligations have been satisfied or waived.
The information pertaining to the listed Properties does not purport to be a representation of the state of affairs of any Property or to be all-inclusive or to contain all or part of the information which prospective lessees or buyers may require to evaluate a lease or purchase of real property. All financial projections and information are provided for general reference purposes only and are based on assumptions relating to the general economy, market conditions, competition and other factors beyond the control of the USPS and JLL. Therefore, all projections, assumptions and other information provided and made are subject to material variation. All references to acreages, square footages, and other measurements are approximations. Interested parties are expected to perform their own property due diligence and not rely on any information or documents provided by either USPS or JLL.
Neither the USPS nor JLL, nor any of their respective directors, officers, affiliates or representatives make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this portal or any of its contents. No legal commitment or obligation shall arise by reason of receipt of this information or use of its contents; and interested parties are to rely solely on their own investigations and inspections of the Property in evaluating a possible lease or purchase of USPS property.
United States Postal Service
Properties for Sale and Lease - Presented by JLL

USPS Properties for Sale or Lease
The USPS has large real estate inventory that includes buildings and land for lease and for sale. Serving as USPS national Real Estate Service Provider JLL is the broker and point of contact for all types of USPS real estate transactions. Please contact the broker associated with each listing or submit the contact template below for more information about a particular location. Disclaimer: Please note, neither the US Postal Service (USPS), nor Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) shall pay cooperating brokerage commissions. Tenant / Buyer Brokers shall seek commission compensation, if any, from the Tenant / Buyer only.